26.12 08:00
60 Min
The Wives Did It
When Dustin's two women cut him out of their bedroom fun, there is bad blood. And when one of the ladies goes back to him, the scene is set for murder. (ID HD)
26.12 08:00
60 Min
Žene krivci
Kada obe Dastinove žene odluče da ga izbace iz spavaće sobe, dolazi do zle krvi. A kada mu se jedna od dama vrati, scena je spremna za ubistvo. (ID)
26.12 09:00
60 Min
The Wives Did It
Law-breaking polygamist Jesse Cummings marches to the beat of his own unorthodox drum, and that includes having two wives who he pits against each other. (ID HD)
26.12 09:00
60 Min
Žene krivci
Prekršilac zakona, poligamista Džesi Kamings, igra po svojim neortodoksnim pravilima, što uključuje dve supruge koje on huška jednu protiv druge. (ID)