21.11 19:00
60 Min
(sua, 2018, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 18) Junk in the Trunk... (E!)
21.11 19:00
60 Min
După ce un câine i-a sfâşiat jumătate din buză, o femeie de 25 de ani apelează la medici. Dr. Dubrow rezolvă un posterior amplificat de spina bifida. (E! Entertainment)
21.11 19:30
60 Min
After a dog ripped off half her lip, a 25-year-old seeks help from the doctors, while Dr Dubrow tackles a butt that's been supersized by spina bifida. (E!)
21.11 19:30
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ4 Ε18
DIS0018373956,2872969458,17 (E! HD)
21.11 19:30
60 Min
After a dog ripped off half her lip, a 25-year-old seeks help from the doctors, while Dr Dubrow tackles a butt that's been supersized by spina bifida. ()
21.11 19:30
60 Min
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Junk In The Trunk (E! Entertainment HD)
21.11 20:00
60 Min
Terry îi ajută pe Guillermo "Big Caz" Eiland, rapperul de la Mo Thugs, care pare să aibă "sâni bărbăteşti", şi pe un englez cu buze foarte mari. (E! Entertainment)
21.11 20:00
60 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 5) Mai multi... (E!)
21.11 20:30
60 Min
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Mo' Steroids Mo' Problems (E! Entertainment HD)
21.11 20:30
60 Min
Terry helps rapper Guillermo "Big Caz" Eiland and his case of "Man Boobs," former Model Jana Stoner who got breast implants in her butt after a Mexico surgery gone bad. ()
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