12.02 18:55
5 Min
Art pass
12.02 18:55
5 Min
Art pass
Art pass (TVR 3)
12.02 18:55
5 Min
Art pass
* Emisiune dedicată vieţii culturale externe; sunt prezentate expoziţii, concerte, spectacole, muzee, festivaluri, tradiţii, urbanism şi alte subiecte legate de zona culturală internaţională.Producător Miruna Moraru (TVR 3)
12.02 19:00
30 Min
Art,Creativity & Music with BabyTV:Maya & Yaya NEW
12.02 19:00
10 Min
Art vijesti
Budite u toku uz Art vijesti. (TVCG 1)
12.02 19:00
60 Min
Art, Activity & Music Time
Babies' program (Baby TV)
12.02 19:00
30 Min
Art, Creativity & Music with BabyTV
Animirani (Baby TV.)
12.02 19:20
10 Min
Art vijesti
Informativni (TVCG MNE.)
12.02 20:00
30 Min
Τέχνη, Δημιουργία και Μουσική με το BabyTV
DIS0018958508 (Baby TV)
12.02 20:00
115 Min
Matchmaker Mysteries: The Art of the Kill
Celebrity matchmaker Angie Dove (Danica McKellar) finds herself in the middle of another murder, this time at the same museum where her father, retired police detective Nick Columba (Bruce Boxleitner)... (Diva)