23.09 06:15
45 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα - Ειδική Έρευνα Ε9
DIS0017972593,6930957,8 (National Geographic HD)
23.09 07:00
45 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα - Ειδική Έρευνα Ε10
DIS0017972595,6930957,9 (National Geographic HD)
23.09 12:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Investigation into the 2009 crash of Turkish Airlines Flight #195. Just before landing in Amsterdam, the plane mysteriously fell from the sky, killing nine people. (Nat Geographic HD)
23.09 13:20
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε1
DIS0017972658,2702163475,0 (National Geographic HD)
23.09 13:20
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
Slammed To The Ground ()
23.09 14:10
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε2
DIS0017972660,2702163475,1 (National Geographic HD)
23.09 14:10
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
Miracle Flight ()
23.09 19:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation Special Report
A trio of crashes reveal that when the nuts and bolts of maintenance go unchecked, it can spell catastrophe. (Nat Geographic HD)
23.09 19:30
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
De Bijlmerramp S14 E03. De crash van vlucht 152 van Garuda Indonesia was de ergste vliegtuigramp van het land. Een crash die voor onderzoekers een raadsel bleek. (NGC HD)
23.09 20:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
With flames emerging through the cockpit floor, the pilots of Pilgrim Airlines 458 manage to touch down on a frozen Rhode Island reservoir. (Nat Geographic HD)
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