11.02 07:10
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε5
DIS0019110800,2702163475,4 (National Geographic HD)
11.02 07:10
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
Dead Weight ()
11.02 08:00
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε6
DIS0019110804,2702163475,5 (National Geographic HD)
11.02 08:00
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
Southern Storm ()
11.02 13:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
After losing both engines, a turboprop crashes in Papua New Guinea, and investigators uncover a deadly flaw in an aircraft used around the world. (Nat Geographic HD)
11.02 13:45
65 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Nowhere To Land S10 E11. In 1998 leek een ramp onafwendbaar toen de motoren van een Boeing 737 uitvielen bij New Orleans. Zie hoe de piloten het toestel wisten te redden. (NGC HD)
11.02 14:25
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε7
DIS0019110871,2702163475,6 (National Geographic HD)
11.02 14:25
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
Explosive Evidence ()
11.02 15:15
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 5
The Plane That Wouldn't Talk ()
11.02 15:15
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ5 Ε8
DIS0019110875,2702163475,7 (National Geographic HD)