12.03 20:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
A brand-new 737 falls from the sky over West Africa during a major storm, but investigators eventually discover weather had nothing to do with it. (Nat Geographic HD)
12.03 20:30
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Deadly Detail S15 E04. Als China Airlines vlucht 120 in Okinawa, Japan, landt, breekt er brand uit. Er zijn geen gewonden, maar er worden moeilijke vragen gesteld. (NGC HD)
13.03 07:10
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε4
DIS0019372332,2701694289,3 (National Geographic HD)
13.03 07:10
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Pushed To The Limit ()
13.03 08:00
45 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Blind Landing ()
13.03 08:00
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε5
DIS0019372336,2701694289,4 (National Geographic HD)
13.03 08:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Deadly Descent S18 E01. Onderweg van Indonesië naar Hongkong vallen bij het vliegtuig van vlucht Cathay Pacific 780 de motoren uit, hoog boven de Zuid-Chinese Zee. De gezagvoerder gaat over op handmatige besturing. (NGC HD)
13.03 13:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation Special Report
A 737 plummets from the Indonesian sky. An Airbus A-320 crashes into the Alps. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 vanishes over the South China Sea. (Nat Geographic HD)
13.03 14:25
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Grand Canyon Disaster ()
13.03 14:25
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε6
DIS0019372378,2701694289,5 (National Geographic HD)
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