14.03 07:20
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε6
DIS0019372377,2701694289,5 (National Geographic HD)
14.03 07:20
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Grand Canyon Disaster ()
14.03 07:25
45 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε6
DIS0019372377,2701694289,5 (National Geographic HD)
14.03 08:00
55 Min
Air Crash Investigation
Cockpit Catastrophe S22 E06. Sichuan Airlines-vlucht 8633 vliegt boven de Himalaya wanneer het cockpitraam barst. De piloot weet het vliegtuig aan de grond te krijgen. Uit onderzoek moet blijken wat er mis is gegaan. (NGC HD)
14.03 08:10
50 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε7
DIS0019372381,2701694289,6 (National Geographic HD)
14.03 08:10
45 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
America's Deadliest ()
14.03 13:00
60 Min
Air Crash Investigation Special Report
Three horrifying accidents capture the world's attention, and investigators are pushed to the limit to solve these deadly mysteries. (Nat Geographic HD)
14.03 14:30
45 Min
Τραγωδία στον Αέρα Κ11 Ε8
DIS0019372428,2701694289,7 (National Geographic HD)
14.03 14:30
45 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Fatal Fixation ()
14.03 15:15
50 Min
Air Crash Investigation 11
Lokomotiv Hockey Team Disaster ()