07.03 16:10
10 Min
While Max is out, Olivia babysits Sharkdog but she just can't keep him inside. (NickJr CRO.)
07.03 19:25
10 Min
Morski čopor je uzbuđen što će gledati kišu meteora na najvišoj planini Maglovite doline, a Ajkuca zna najbolji put da stignu tamo. Jedini problem je što i kapetan Barbara misli da zna najbolji put. (Nick Jr.)
07.03 19:35
5 Min
Ajkuca ima buve! To jest, morske buve. Maksa će preduzeti šta god treba da ih se reši, ali to možda bude teško jer Ajkucu toliko svrbi da ne može da miruje! (Nick Jr.)
07.03 19:40
15 Min
Ajkuca ide u ludu potragu po gradu da pomogne Miji da nađe cuclu i da je vrati na spavanje. (Nick Jr.)
07.03 22:15
5 Min
Max is determined to win this year's obstacle course race, but that may be difficult with Sharkdog always trying to help. (NickJr CRO.)
08.03 04:05
10 Min
When the town discovers Sharkdog, Max needs to convince everyone that he's not a monster. (NickJr CRO.)
08.03 04:15
5 Min
Max and Sharkdog want to enjoy the last day of summer, but first, they have to deal with the mess they left at home. (NickJr CRO.)
08.03 04:20
10 Min
It's the first day of school, and Sharkdog's not allowed to come; well, that's never stopped him before! (NickJr CRO.)
08.03 10:10
10 Min
Max is determined to win this year's obstacle course race, but that may be difficult with Sharkdog always trying to help. (NickJr CRO.)
08.03 10:20
5 Min
Sharkdog is very excited to be in the annual Fisher family photo, but disaster after disaster threatens his perfect picture. (NickJr CRO.)