03.03 19:25
10 Min
Maksa i Ajkuca žele da uživaju u poslednjim danima leta, ali prvo moraju da srede nered koji su ostavili kod kuće. (Nick Jr.)
03.03 19:35
5 Min
Počinje škola, a Ajkuci nije dozovljeno da uđe u nju; pa, to ga nije dosad sprečavalo! (Nick Jr.)
03.03 19:40
15 Min
Pošto Ajkucina divlja strana stalno plaši pse u parku, Ajkuca mora da nađe unutrašnji mir da bi stekao nove drugare. (Nick Jr.)
04.03 04:05
10 Min
When the Fishers go to the movies, Sharkdog is left home alone for the first time. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 04:15
5 Min
Max and Dennis compete to decide whose "dog" is the best. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 04:20
10 Min
Royce wants to go on a treasure hunt with Max, but Max is distracted with Sharkdog. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 16:05
10 Min
When the Fishers go to the movies, Sharkdog is left home alone for the first time. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 16:15
5 Min
Max and Dennis compete to decide whose "dog" is the best. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 16:20
10 Min
Royce wants to go on a treasure hunt with Max, but Max is distracted with Sharkdog. (NickJr CRO.)
04.03 19:25
10 Min
Kad Ajkuca slučajno pojede novu prinovu u akvarijumu, Maksa i Moski čopor moraju da smisle plan pre nego što to sazna g. Suši, vlasnik akvarijuma. (Nick Jr.)