05.12 07:25
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 07:25
45 Min
Ajkule protiv delfina:.
Iako ove vrste dele dom u okeanu već milenijumima, naučnici tek sada počinju da shvataju dubinu odnosa između ajkula i delfina. (National Geographic Wild)
05.12 09:40
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 09:40
45 Min
Ajkule protiv delfina:.
Iako ove vrste dele dom u okeanu već milenijumima, naučnici tek sada počinju da shvataju dubinu odnosa između ajkula i delfina. (National Geographic Wild)
05.12 15:45
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 15:45
45 Min
Ajkule protiv delfina:.
Iako ove vrste dele dom u okeanu već milenijumima, naučnici tek sada počinju da shvataju dubinu odnosa između ajkula i delfina. (National Geographic Wild)
05.12 19:30
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
05.12 19:30
45 Min
Ajkule protiv delfina:.
Iako ove vrste dele dom u okeanu već milenijumima, naučnici tek sada počinju da shvataju dubinu odnosa između ajkula i delfina. (National Geographic Wild)
06.12 03:00
45 Min
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Blood Battle
They've shared the ocean for years, but scientists have only begun to understand the relationship between sharks and dolphins. ()
06.12 03:00
45 Min
Ajkule protiv delfina:.
Iako ove vrste dele dom u okeanu već milenijumima, naučnici tek sada počinju da shvataju dubinu odnosa između ajkula i delfina. (National Geographic Wild)
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