29.03 09:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this series, the characters will talk about cars and help you memorise vocabulary to refer to the parts of a car. (English Club)
29.03 09:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters talk about office routine and give you lots of new words for various office stationery. (English Club)
29.03 09:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this series, we will talk about gifts sent by post, as well as new words for conversation on a similar topic. (English Club)
29.03 20:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this series, the characters will talk about cars and help you memorise vocabulary to refer to the parts of a car. (English Club)
29.03 20:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters talk about office routine and give you lots of new words for various office stationery. (English Club)
29.03 20:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this series, we will talk about gifts sent by post, as well as new words for conversation on a similar topic. (English Club)
30.03 08:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will talk about the features of decorative cosmetics and help you memorise useful words. (English Club)
30.03 08:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will have a leisurely conversation about the weather and give you a chance to learn new vocabulary on the topic. (English Club)
30.03 08:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, The characters in this episode will plan a musical party and help you learn some useful words on this topic. (English Club)
30.03 19:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will talk about the features of decorative cosmetics and help you memorise useful words. (English Club)
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