02.02 09:10
56 Min
All Creatures Great and Small
The Salt of the Earth S05 E08. Serie over de avonturen en uitdagingen van dierenartsen in Yorkshire waarmee ze op het platteland worden geconfronteerd. (ONS)
02.02 20:10
50 Min
All Creatures Great and Small 5
Uninvited Guests (Epic Drama HD)
03.02 01:00
60 Min
All Creatures Great and Small
The Salt of the Earth S05 E08. Serie over de avonturen en uitdagingen van dierenartsen in Yorkshire waarmee ze op het platteland worden geconfronteerd. (ONS)
03.02 06:50
50 Min
All Creatures Great and Small 3
For Whom The Bell Tolls (Epic Drama HD)
03.02 12:15
50 Min
All Creatures Great and Small
It's Christmas at Skeldale, and Siegfried has to decide whether to protect Tristan at the cost of River's welfare; meanwhile, Mrs Hall realises that she has to face her feelings for Gerald. (Epic Drama HD)
03.02 12:20
55 Min
All Creatures Great and Small 3
Merry Bloody Christmas (Epic Drama HD)
04.02 06:55
50 Min
All Creatures Great and Small 3
Merry Bloody Christmas (Epic Drama HD)
04.02 20:00
58 Min
All Creatures Great and Small
Cheques and Balances S05 E09. Serie over de avonturen en uitdagingen van dierenartsen in Yorkshire waarmee ze op het platteland worden geconfronteerd. (ONS)
04.02 20:00
60 Min
Masterpiece: All Creatures Great and Small
Uninvited Guests--Tristan's first meeting with Carmody doesn't go quite to plan. (AFN|spectrum)
05.02 08:00
60 Min
All Creatures Great and Small
Cheques and Balances S05 E09. Serie over de avonturen en uitdagingen van dierenartsen in Yorkshire waarmee ze op het platteland worden geconfronteerd. (ONS)
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