06.07 11:13
47 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Die Entführten Doku-Reihe, USA 2016 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Sonntag, 30.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr) (kabel eins Doku)
06.07 11:14
47 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Die Entführten Doku-Reihe, USA 2016 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Sonntag, 30.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr) (kabel1 Doku austria)
06.07 11:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Ancient cultures around the world often referred to the gods as the "Immortals" - but could they have encountered extraterrestrial beings that had achieved eternal life? (History HD)
06.07 11:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 14
(The HISTORY Channel HD)
06.07 11:59
47 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Die Macht Shivas Doku-Reihe, USA 2016 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Sonntag, 30.06.2024, 17:50 Uhr) (kabel eins Doku)
06.07 12:00
47 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Die Macht Shivas Doku-Reihe, USA 2016 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (WH vom Sonntag, 30.06.2024, 17:50 Uhr) (kabel1 Doku austria)
06.07 12:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 15
(The HISTORY Channel HD)
06.07 12:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
In the 1900s, a modern-day prophet Edgar Cayce became a worldwide sensation. He claimed to receive visions of both the past and future. (History HD)
06.07 13:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Scholars identify Egypt's obelisks as monuments to the pharaohs, while ancient astronaut theorists suggest they may power communication with the gods. (History HD)
06.07 13:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 15
(The HISTORY Channel HD)
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