01.03 02:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens (3)
Mysterious Places ()
01.03 03:40
50 Min
Ancient Aliens
Return to Gobekli Tepe S10 E15. Gobekli Tepe trekt alles in twijfel wat archeologen over ons verleden beweren. Bevat het aanwijzingen dat er zaken voor toekomstige generaties moesten worden bewaard? (History NL)
01.03 04:30
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
In the 1900s, a modern-day prophet Edgar Cayce became a worldwide sensation. He claimed to receive visions of both the past and future. (History HD)
01.03 06:00
50 Min
Ancient Aliens
The Alien Frequency S10 E07. (History NL)
01.03 12:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 15
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet (The HISTORY Channel HD)
01.03 12:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
In the 1900s, a modern-day prophet Edgar Cayce became a worldwide sensation. He claimed to receive visions of both the past and future. (History HD)
01.03 13:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Did a biblical patriarch receive instructions from 200 angels, and was Egypt's most controversial Pharaoh an extraterrestrial being? (History HD)
01.03 13:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
The Top Ten Alien Influencers (The HISTORY Channel HD)
01.03 14:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
From glyphs in the Peruvian desert to spiral petroglyphs embedded with advanced maths, explore some of the world's most intriguing symbols and codes. (History HD)
01.03 14:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
The Top Ten Alien Codes (The HISTORY Channel HD)