08.01 12:00
60 Min
Ancient Aliens
The Constellation Code S12 E14. In de oude wereld werden overal structuren gebouwd om de sterrenbeelden in de nachtelijke hemel te weerspiegelen. (History NL)
08.01 13:00
60 Min
Ancient Aliens
The Nuclear Agenda S12 E15. Nadat in 1945 de eerste atoombom tot ontploffing werd gebracht, zijn er over de hele wereld UFO's bij nucleaire faciliteiten gemeld. (History NL)
08.01 13:15
40 Min
Ancient Aliens
More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented and many display properties that defy explanation. Could they be of otherworldly origin? (History HD)
08.01 13:15
40 Min
Ancient Aliens 15
The Crop Circle Code (The HISTORY Channel HD)
08.01 14:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens (9)
Alien Operations ()
08.01 14:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Accounts from various cultures describe similar divine, birdlike figures that brought advanced medical knowledge to mankind thousands of years ago. Who were these ancient surgeons? (History 2.)
08.01 14:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
сез. 5, еп. 9, САЩ. В ролите: Робърт Клотуърти (H2)
08.01 17:45
50 Min
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
Mischwesen (Sky Documentaries)
08.01 17:50
45 Min
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
Die Top Ten der Alien-Stützpunkte (HISTORY Channel)
08.01 18:10
40 Min
Ancient Aliens
In the traditions of native peoples across North America are stories of the Star Ancestors: powerful beings who descended to Earth in the distant past and are sometimes present even today. (History HD)
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