15.03 12:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 15
The Crop Circle Code (The HISTORY Channel HD)
15.03 12:40
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented and many display properties that defy explanation. Could they be of otherworldly origin? (History HD)
15.03 13:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
What compelled ancient man to move colossal stones to build remarkably similar stone monuments all around the world, from the jungles of Costa Rica to England's countryside? (History HD)
15.03 13:25
45 Min
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence
The Monoliths (The HISTORY Channel HD)
15.03 14:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
Secrets of the Sumerians (The HISTORY Channel HD)
15.03 14:10
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
When the ancient Sumerians built their civilisation, they credited their gods - but were these powerful beings actually extraterrestrial visitors? (History HD)
15.03 14:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Aliens And Sacred Places: Experts explore evidence suggesting Mecca's Grand Mosque and Jerusalem's Temple Mount were the ancient meeting places of man and extraterrestrials. (History 2.)
15.03 18:05
40 Min
Ancient Aliens
Deep beneath the sands of Egypt lie 24 enormous, empty sarcophagi - but what purpose might these giant tombs have served? And are they even man-made? (History HD)
15.03 18:05
40 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
Tomb Of The Cosmic Bulls (The HISTORY Channel HD)
15.03 20:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
For centuries, cultures around the world have believed in stargates through which beings have travelled to Earth - but could such portals truly exist? (History HD)