29.03 20:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Throughout ancient cultures there are tales of god-like beings helping our ancestors to build civilisations and teaching them in various disciplines. (History HD)
29.03 20:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
The Teachers (The HISTORY Channel HD)
29.03 21:00
90 Min
Ancient Aliens: Origins
Mysterious Underground Worlds (The HISTORY Channel HD)
29.03 21:00
90 Min
Ancient Aliens: Origins
Might these mysterious locations validate ancient legends of underground realms inhabited by extraterrestrial beings? And if so, what other otherworldly secrets might lie beneath our feet? (History HD)
29.03 21:00
120 Min
Ősi idegenek: Eredet
Ősi idegenek: Eredet ()
29.03 21:00
120 Min
Ősi idegenek: Eredet
Ősi idegenek: Eredet (History Hungary)
30.03 02:45
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Throughout ancient cultures there are tales of god-like beings helping our ancestors to build civilisations and teaching them in various disciplines. (History HD)
30.03 03:45
45 Min
Ancient Aliens 16
The Teachers (The HISTORY Channel HD)
30.03 08:40
92 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Erstkontakt Ägypten Doku-Reihe, USA 2018 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (kabel1 Doku austria)
30.03 08:43
87 Min
Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens
Erstkontakt Ägypten Doku-Reihe, USA 2018 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (kabel eins Doku)