15.01 23:00
55 Min
Ancient Bodies: Secrets Revealed
When the human remains of a female are uncovered near Vejle, Denmark, an archeologist begins detailing a fantastic tale of who she was and why she was murdered, linking her to ancient sagas. (Nat Geographic HD)
16.01 23:00
60 Min
Ancient Bodies: Secrets Revealed
In Silkeborg, peat diggers uncover a human head and authorities work to identify who it is, possibly relating it to a missing boy in the area. (Nat Geographic HD)
17.01 23:00
60 Min
Ancient Bodies: Secrets Revealed
Human remains are pulled up from the depths of a peat bog near Yde, Netherlands. Some locals believe it is the work of the devil. (Nat Geographic HD)
18.01 15:50
55 Min
Ancient Bodies: Secrets Revealed
Dätgen Man: Revenant Revealed? S01 E07. Een Duits dorp wordt opgeschrikt als er een lichaam wordt gevonden dat onherkenbaar verminkt is. Als archeologen nader onderzoek doen, vinden ze bewijs van mensenoffers. (NGC HD)