16.03 14:10
46 Min
Animal Fight Club
Brutal Brawls S03 E01. Follow a fight between lionesses and a leopard in Africa, and two brown bears battling for a prime salmon-fishing spot on an Alaskan river. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
16.03 14:56
46 Min
Animal Fight Club
Killer Clashes S03 E02. A bobcat and a lynx fight tooth and claw for territory. Spanish fighting bulls go head-to-head to determine who will become leader of their herd. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
16.03 15:42
46 Min
Animal Fight Club
Monster Mayhem S03 E03. On the African savanna, male elephants' tempers flare when water is in short supply. See them go tusk-to-tusk and trunk-to-trunk as they clash. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
16.03 16:28
45 Min
Animal Fight Club
Mortal Combat S03 E04. In a heavyweight showdown between two bulky beasts, one horn takes on two as a rhino and a buffalo get brutal on the battlefield. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)
16.03 17:13
47 Min
Animal Fight Club
Cat Fight S03 E07. The secret tactics of ferocious feline fighters, with adrenaline-fuelled battles from Africa, the Americas and beyond. (National Geographic Wild HD DUT)