18.06 18:49
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya are at the beach. Maya goes in the water but Yaya is a bit scared, so he tries using a life saver, goggles, a snorkel and fins, but is still reluctant to go in. (Baby TV)
18.06 19:00
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya take a long walk and meet a mischievous hedgehog on the way. (Baby TV)
18.06 20:01
62 Min
Maya and Yaya
21:01 Maya and Yaya 21:05 Draco 21:09 Let's Dance... (Baby TV.)
18.06 20:01
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya opens a new hair salon and invites Yaya to get a new hairstyle. (Baby TV)
19.06 04:48
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Yaya and Maya are having a wonderful time playing drums using tree trunks. Momo hears the beautiful music from afar and wants to play as well, but doesn't have a drum. (Baby TV)
19.06 07:19
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya is jumping rope and Yaya is bouncing a ball. Yaya wants to jump rope as well but is having a hard time and falls down. (Baby TV)
19.06 18:47
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya bake a delicious cake in honour of their friend Momo's upcoming visit. (Baby TV)
19.06 18:59
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya opens a new hair salon and invites Yaya to get a new hairstyle. (Baby TV)
19.06 20:00
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya are at the beach. Maya goes in the water but Yaya is a bit scared, so he tries using a life saver, goggles, a snorkel and fins, but is still reluctant to go in. (Baby TV)
20.06 04:48
4 Min
Maya and Yaya
Maya and Yaya find a toy tractor and argue about who it belongs to. (Baby TV)
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