01.03 21:00
140 Min
Assassin's Creed
A descendant (Michael Fassbender) of the mysterious secret society known as the Assassins uses his newfound knowledge and physical skills to battle the power-hungry Templar Order. (Star Channel HD)
01.03 21:00
140 Min
Assassin's Creed
A descendant (Michael Fassbender) of the mysterious secret society known as the Assassins uses his newfound knowledge and physical skills to battle the power-hungry Templar Order. (STAR HD)
01.03 21:00
140 Min
Assassin's Creed
Aksion, aventurº (STAR)
02.03 14:50
140 Min
Assassin's Creed
Aksion, aventurº (STAR)
02.03 14:55
135 Min
Assassin's Creed
A descendant (Michael Fassbender) of the mysterious secret society known as the Assassins uses his newfound knowledge and physical skills to battle the power-hungry Templar Order. (STAR HD)
02.03 14:55
135 Min
Assassin's Creed
A descendant (Michael Fassbender) of the mysterious secret society known as the Assassins uses his newfound knowledge and physical skills to battle the power-hungry Templar Order. (Star Channel HD)
07.03 11:00
120 Min
Assassin's Creed
Prod Year 2016--A descendant of a secret society known as the Assassins battles the power-hungry Templar Order. (AFN|movie)
08.03 21:00
135 Min
Assassin's Creed
Americký akční film (2016). Hrají: Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson., (film, akcia, dobrodružstvo, sci... (AXN)
10.03 00:20
95 Min
Assassin's Creed
Americký akční film (2016). Hrají: Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson., (film, akcia, dobrodružstvo, sci... (AXN)
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