07.01 05:25
35 Min
Aussie Bull Catchers
Record cattle prices and a wet season have turned the outback into a gold mine for bull catchers; husband-and-wife team Liz and Willie Cook are expanding their empire, but with ever-increasing debt. (Viasat Explore HD)
07.01 06:00
30 Min
Aussie Bull Catchers
New recruit Sherl hopes to restore faith with his bosses on Team Cook, and Clarry's Indigenous clients dream of building a new life on their ancestral lands using proceeds from caught bulls. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 05:25
35 Min
Aussie Bull Catchers
New recruit Sherl hopes to restore faith with his bosses on Team Cook, and Clarry's Indigenous clients dream of building a new life on their ancestral lands using proceeds from caught bulls. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 06:00
30 Min
Aussie Bull Catchers
The Cooks' latest purchase - a brand-new helicopter - can't seem to get off the ground, and Kurt Hammar's youngest son Kodi has dropped out of school to become a bull catcher. (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 05:25
35 Min
Australijski lovci na bikove
Helikopter koji su Kukovi kupili nikako ne može da poleti. Kodi, najmlađi sin Kurta Hemara, odustao je od škole kako bi se bavio lovom na bikove. (Viasat Explore)
09.01 06:00
30 Min
Australijski lovci na bikove
Lizin i Vilijev helikopter je konačno poleteo. Klerijev četrnaestogodišnji sin Klej se priključuje timu. Kurt započinje najveći posao godine, a Kodi konačno dobija svoju priliku. (Viasat Explore)