06.01 18:10
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
The lobster price has crashed, triggered by a global pandemic; skipper Squizzy is $150,000 down in revenue, Cracker manages to secure a buyer, and Jay and his nephews spend seven weeks without pay. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.01 18:10
55 Min
Australijski lovci na jastoge
Cena jastoga je pala, usled pritiska globalne pandemije. Prihod skipera Skvizija opao je za 150 000 dolara. Kreker uspeva da pronađe kupca, a Džej i njegovi rođaci sprovode sedam nedelja bez plate. (Viasat Explore)
06.01 21:00
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Skipper Squizzy cashes in on a plan to thwart his rival Bryce, who ramps up the mind games by exploiting an old fishing superstition and challenging Snoddy for his prized patch. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.01 21:00
55 Min
Australijski lovci na jastoge
Skiper Skvizi pravi plan da osujeti svog rivala Bris, koji koristi staro ribarsko sujeverje i izaziva Snodija. (Viasat Explore)
06.01 21:55
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Squizzy uncovers the reason for his run of bad luck, an anonymous prank drives further division between Bryce and the skippers, and Snoddy reveals a game-changing secret. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.01 21:55
60 Min
Australijski lovci na jastoge
Skvizi otkriva razlog svoje loše sreće. Anonimna šala dovodi do dalje podele između Bris i skipera, a Snodi otkriva tajnu koja menja situaciju. (Viasat Explore)
07.01 12:15
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
The lobster price has crashed, triggered by a global pandemic; skipper Squizzy is $150,000 down in revenue, Cracker manages to secure a buyer, and Jay and his nephews spend seven weeks without pay. (Viasat Explore HD)
07.01 18:10
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
The global market meltdown has hit hard; lobstermen right across the country are struggling to stay afloat. Tough times call for radical thinking about how to sell into the depressed local market. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 12:15
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
The global market meltdown has hit hard; lobstermen right across the country are struggling to stay afloat. Tough times call for radical thinking about how to sell into the depressed local market. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 18:10
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
The hunt for red gold heats up; rookie skipper Bryce is three days into his nightmare maiden voyage and skipper Cracker's $50,000 deal to supply 1000 kilograms of big reds is on shaky ground. (Viasat Explore HD)
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