13.03 18:10
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Snoddy chances a small weather window to try to fill his tanks with big red lobsters, a price plummet has massive implications for Squizzy, and Bryce gets a good offer that all comes down to weight. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 12:25
55 Min
Australijski lovci na jastoge
Snodi koristi mali vremenski prozor da napuni svoje rezervoare velikim crvenim jastozima. Pad cene ima ogromne implikacije za Skvizija, a Brajs dobija dobru ponudu. (Viasat Explore)
14.03 12:25
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Snoddy chances a small weather window to try to fill his tanks with big red lobsters, a price plummet has massive implications for Squizzy, and Bryce gets a good offer that all comes down to weight. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 18:10
60 Min
Australijski lovci na jastoge
Skvizi postavlja zamku za jednog od svojih konkurenata, a rastuće tržište daje Snodiju nadu da može dostići nešto bolje. (Viasat Explore)
14.03 18:10
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Squizzy lays a trap for one of his competitors as he makes a late charge up the leaderboard, and a rising market gives Snoddy hope that he can strike a better deal. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 11:40
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Snoddy receives an offer that comes with a big catch, Squizzy's bad luck turns from bad to worse, and a horror shot sees Bryce facing a massive loss if his fishing fortunes don't turn around. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 12:35
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Bryce desperately tries to fill a make-or-break restaurant order, the Bold Contender crew take a huge punt, and Snoddy risks his vessel and his livelihood by putting his teenage son in charge. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 13:30
60 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Bad weather wreaks havoc for the Chieftain crew, Squizzy calls a top-secret contact for inside information, and the Jager fishing dynasty is on shaky ground. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 14:30
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Snoddy chances a small weather window to try to fill his tanks with big red lobsters, a price plummet has massive implications for Squizzy, and Bryce gets a good offer that all comes down to weight. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 15:25
55 Min
Giant Lobster Hunters
Squizzy lays a trap for one of his competitors as he makes a late charge up the leaderboard, and a rising market gives Snoddy hope that he can strike a better deal. (Viasat Explore HD)