09.01 19:05
55 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Goldtajmeri ??kockaju svojih poslednjih 6.000 dolara, Bred i Kris dobijaju stručni savet koji im donosi nešto zlata, a Ferali se suočavaju sa zmijom ubicom. (Viasat Explore)
09.01 19:05
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Goldtimers gamble their last $6,000, Brad and Chris get expert advice that lands them some gold, and the Ferals face a killer snake. (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 20:00
60 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Ekipa Posejdona lovi udaljeni planinski prevoj, zlatna suša vrši ogroman pritisak na Džekija i Endrjua, Levi i Bridžit su ostavljeni da love sami, a Ferali love u ekstremnom regionu Pilbara. (Viasat Explore)
09.01 20:00
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew hunt a remote mountain pass, a gold drought puts huge pressure on Jacqui and Andrew, Levi and Bridget are left to hunt alone, and the Ferals hunt in the extreme Pilbara region. (Viasat Explore HD)
10.01 00:20
60 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Goldtajmeri ??kockaju svojih poslednjih 6.000 dolara, Bred i Kris dobijaju stručni savet koji im donosi nešto zlata, a Ferali se suočavaju sa zmijom ubicom. (Viasat Explore)
10.01 00:20
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Goldtimers gamble their last $6,000, Brad and Chris get expert advice that lands them some gold, and the Ferals face a killer snake. (Viasat Explore HD)
10.01 01:20
50 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Ekipa Posejdona lovi udaljeni planinski prevoj, zlatna suša vrši ogroman pritisak na Džekija i Endrjua, Levi i Bridžit su ostavljeni da love sami, a Ferali love u ekstremnom regionu Pilbara. (Viasat Explore)
10.01 01:20
50 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew hunt a remote mountain pass, a gold drought puts huge pressure on Jacqui and Andrew, Levi and Bridget are left to hunt alone, and the Ferals hunt in the extreme Pilbara region. (Viasat Explore HD)
10.01 06:30
60 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Džeki i Endru prate trag u Fiš Kriku, a Zlatni đavoli prelaze na novo tlo. (Viasat Explore)
10.01 06:30
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Jacqui and Andrew blaze a trail into a corner of Fish Creek but a washout threatens to stop their 40-tonne bulldozer in its tracks, and the Gold Devils roll the dice on a costly move to new ground. (Viasat Explore HD)