02.03 08:40
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Gypsies discover a meteorite that could be worth thousands and the Mahoneys chase more big nuggets using Ted's grandfather's old treasure map. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 09:35
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Mahoneys hunt in the remote wilderness of one of the world's most uninhabited regions and the Victoria Diggers navigate a multi-million dollar joint venture. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 13:20
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Permit delays devastate the Poseidon Crew's hope of a massive payday, a torrential downpour forces Shane and Russell to evacuate their dig site, and the Ferals finally uncover a rich patch of gold. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 14:20
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
As Jacqui and Andrew are targeted by potential gold thieves, Marcus, Linden and Dale hunt in ground close to the site of the biggest nugget ever found in Western Australia. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 15:15
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew finally start digging the legendary Catto's Paddock in search of a multi-million dollar nugget, and the Goldtimers struggle to keep a borrowed dry blower running. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 16:15
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
A robbery at the Gold Retrievers' camp heaps more pressure on Brad and Chris' partnership, Marcus and Linden finally hit a rich patch of nuggets, and the Goldtimers call in reinforcements. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 17:10
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Ferals are on the brink of collapse, Shane and Russell could hit the richest gold patch of their season, and Jacqui and Andrew battle back-breaking ground that could ruin their latest deal. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 18:10
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew are running out of time to find a 1000-ounce nugget, the Gold Retrievers attempt to escape dangerous summer heat, and the Goldtimers confront the extremes and uncover a massive haul. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 19:05
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Marcus, Linden and Dale desperately need new ground, the Poseidon Crew's hope for a 1000-ounce nugget is slipping through their fingers, and Shane and Russell take the biggest gamble of the season. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.03 20:00
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Heavy rains in Victoria threaten to shut down the Poseidon Crew, Jacqui and Andrew struggle through 40°C heat in Queensland, and the Goldtimers negotiate a lucrative deal to sell their mining rights. (Viasat Explore HD)
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