13.03 14:15
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
A swarm of bloodsucking ticks prove no match for Jacqui and Andrew, Rob and Turbo face costly dryblower repairs, and the Poseidon Crew are hit by fierce storms that could shut them down for days. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 19:10
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils return to their Fair Lady lease in pursuit of their 1000-ounce target, and the Ferals face a standstill when their excavator is seized by rivals. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 20:05
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew battle to run two leases simultaneously in a bid to meet their 1000-ounce season target, and Alan and Salty brave uncharted waters and make a significant discovery. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 00:00
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils return to their Fair Lady lease in pursuit of their 1000-ounce target, and the Ferals face a standstill when their excavator is seized by rivals. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 00:55
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew battle to run two leases simultaneously in a bid to meet their 1000-ounce season target, and Alan and Salty brave uncharted waters and make a significant discovery. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 06:35
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Jacqui and Andrew are threatened by deadly snakes and sharp rocks on their hunt for gold; Shane and Kate are already on some gold, but will they have the equipment to extract it? (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 06:35
60 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
Džeki i Endruu prete smrtonosne zmije i oštro kamenje, u njihovoj potrazi za zlatom. Šejn i Kejt već imaju nešto zlata, ali da li će imati opremu potrebnu da ga izvuku? (Viasat Explore)
14.03 09:30
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Kellie Carter and Henri Chassaing are under attack from poachers and a crippling dry streak. Meanwhile, the Dirt Dogs are forced to break new ground to stay in business. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 09:30
55 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato
U seriji Australijski lovci na zlato, pratimo tri okorela tima lovaca na zlato dok stavljaju sve na kocku i bore se da pronađu veliko nalazište, duboko na divljem zapadu u divljini Australije. (Viasat Explore)
14.03 10:25
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Kellie Carter and Henri Chassaing are hit by breakdowns and bandits, while a failed plan leaves the Gold Gypsies running out of time and options. (Viasat Explore HD)