20.10 05:05
35 Min
Aussie Bull Catchers
The Cooks' latest purchase - a brand-new helicopter - can't seem to get off the ground, and Kurt Hammar's youngest son Kodi has dropped out of school to become a bull catcher. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 05:05
35 Min
Australijski lovci na bikove
Helikopter koji su Kukovi kupili nikako ne može da poleti. Kodi, najmlađi sin Kurta Hemara, odustao je od škole kako bi se bavio lovom na bikove. (Viasat Explore)
20.10 05:40
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters: Mine SOS
Paul and the SOS team take on a mining mystery as they try to find and fix the causes of a two-year dry streak that threatens to end the prospecting dreams of rookie miners Chris and Vince. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 05:40
55 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato:.
Pol i njegov tim pokušavaju da utvrde uzroke dvogodišnje suše sa kojom se suočavaju novajlije Kris i Vins. (Viasat Explore)
20.10 06:35
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters: Mine SOS
Paul's mine makeover team help a team of ex-servicemen become skilled goldminers as they strive to fund their veteran's charity and overcome the crippling legacy of their service via prospecting. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 06:35
55 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato:.
Polov tim pomaže grupi bivših vojnika da postanu vešti rudari. Njihov cilj je da finansiraju dobrotvornu organizaciju svojih veterana. (Viasat Explore)
20.10 07:30
60 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato:.
Polov tim se suočava sa problemima i tugom dok pomažu rudaru Džerodu Krozbiju. Džeri mašta o tome da će napustiti život u gradu i postati rudar. (Viasat Explore)
20.10 07:30
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters: Mine SOS
Paul's team deal with hardship and heartbreak as they help up-and-coming prospector Jarrod Crosbie; Jarrod is trying to pursue his dream of abandoning the city to become a full-blown prospector. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 08:30
55 Min
Australijski lovci na zlato:.
Naš tim ima samo 6 dana da postavi svoju mašineriju kako bi pomogao novajlijama Nejtanu Malatesti i Stivu Ogilviju da izvrše veliki zadatak koji može da im donese dosta novca. (Viasat Explore)
20.10 08:30
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters: Mine SOS
The Mine SOS team have just six days to install a full-scale hard rock mining operation and deliver a potentially life-changing payday for hard rock rookies Nathan Malatesta and Steve Ogilvie. (Viasat Explore HD)
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