07.07 15:20
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
U seriji "Australski lovci na zlato" pratit ćemo tri okorjele ekipe tragača za zlatom koji se hvataju u koštac s... (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 15:20
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Permit delays devastate the Poseidon Crew's hope of a massive payday, a torrential downpour forces Shane and Russell to evacuate their dig site, and the Ferals finally uncover a rich patch of gold. (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 15:20
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 7, ep. 11.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
07.07 16:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 7, ep. 12.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
07.07 16:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Jacqui i Andrew meta su potencijalnih kradljivaca zlata, a Marcus, Linden i Dale tragaju na zemljištu blizu mjesta... (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 16:15
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
As Jacqui and Andrew are targeted by potential gold thieves, Marcus, Linden and Dale hunt in ground close to the site of the biggest nugget ever found in Western Australia. (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 17:10
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew finally start digging the legendary Catto's Paddock in search of a multi-million dollar nugget, and the Goldtimers struggle to keep a borrowed dry blower running. (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 17:10
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 7, ep. 13.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
07.07 17:10
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Ekipa Poseidon napokon počinje kopati u legendarnom Catto's Paddocku u potrazi za grumenom vrijednom više milijuna... (Viasat Explore HD)
07.07 18:05
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 7, ep. 14.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
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