04.03 13:15
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Poseidon Crew receive permits to mine their own ground and hit the motherlode, and the Goldtimers are pushed to their limits as Marcus and Linden return home and finally break their gold drought. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 13:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Pridružujemo se tvrdokornim ekipama kopača zlata u riskantnom nastojanju da se obogate duboko na divljem zapadu... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 13:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 5, ep. 17.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 14:10
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Gold thieves steal a fortune in gold from the Dust Devils, Shane and Russell hunt under an old caravan, and Marcus and Linden's lucky streak continues. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 14:10
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Kradljivci zlata Dust Devilsima ukradu pravo bogatstvo u zlatu, Shane i Russell traže ispod stare kamp-kućice, a... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 14:10
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 5, ep. 18.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 19:05
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Ferals are on the gold when a four-wheeler crash leaves them a man down, and the Poseidon Crew battle to overcome a catastrophic mechanical failure. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 19:05
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Feralsi su nadomak zlata kad zbog nesreće s quad vozilom ostanu bez jednog člana, a ekipa Poseidon nastoji izaći na... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 19:05
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 3.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 20:00
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 4.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)