04.03 00:00
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils set their sights on a record-breaking total, and a gold drought causes one member of the Poseidon Crew to question his future. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 00:00
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 1.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 00:00
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
U seriji "Australski lovci na zlato" pratit ćemo tri okorjele ekipe tragača za zlatom koji se hvataju u koštac s... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 01:00
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 2.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 01:00
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils move their multi-million-dollar operation in search of big gold, and the new team of Vince, Bibi and Murray break ground on their dream lease. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 01:00
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Gold Devilsi premještaju operaciju vrijednu više milijuna dolara u potrazi za velikim zlatnim nalazom, a novi tim u... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 06:25
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 9, ep. 2.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
04.03 06:25
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
A tragic injury forces Ethan West to step up and run the Poseidon Crew on his own, and Jacqui and Andrew face dangerous wildlife as they push deeper into the Palmer jungle than ever before. (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 06:25
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
U seriji "Australski lovci na zlato" pratit ćemo tri okorjele ekipe tragača za zlatom koji se hvataju u koštac s... (Viasat Explore HD)
04.03 09:20
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
U seriji ''Australski lovci na zlato'' pratimo tri ekipe okorjelih tragača za zlatom koji se hvataju u koštac s... (Viasat Explore HD)
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