10.03 14:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 6, ep. 6.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
10.03 14:15
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Ova sezona najteža je dosad jer se timovi lovaca na zlato bore sa sve većom vrućinom i opasnom divljinom, odlučni u... (Viasat Explore HD)
10.03 19:05
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 11.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
10.03 19:05
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Gold Devilsi utrkuju se s lošim vremenom, Jacqui i Andrew iskušavaju nove krajnosti, a Feralsi su podijeljeni zbog... (Viasat Explore HD)
10.03 19:05
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils race against the elements, Jacqui and Andrew push to new extremes, and mechanical issues leave the Ferals divided. (Viasat Explore HD)
10.03 20:00
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Alan i Salty nailaze na nepremostivu zapreku u zabačenoj regiji Kimberly, Vince, Bibi i Murray prisiljeni su na nove... (Viasat Explore HD)
10.03 20:00
60 Min
Australski lovci na zlato 8, ep. 12.
Aussie Gold Hunters Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
10.03 20:00
60 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
Alan and Salty hit a dead end in the remote Kimberley region, Vince, Bibi and Murray are forced to break new ground in Victoria, and the Gold Retrievers struggle with their misfiring wet plant. (Viasat Explore HD)
11.03 00:00
55 Min
Aussie Gold Hunters
The Gold Devils race against the elements, Jacqui and Andrew push to new extremes, and mechanical issues leave the Ferals divided. (Viasat Explore HD)
11.03 00:00
55 Min
Australski lovci na zlato
Gold Devilsi utrkuju se s lošim vremenom, Jacqui i Andrew iskušavaju nove krajnosti, a Feralsi su podijeljeni zbog... (Viasat Explore SD)