24.01 18:00
60 Min
Car S.O.S.
Tim and Fuzz are off to Norfolk to take on a 1962 TVR Grantura, a once classy British sports car that has fallen into disrepair. (Nat Geographic HD)
24.01 18:00
60 Min
Auto SOS
Momci iz serije "Auto SOS" putuju u Norfolk da bi uzeli TVR Granturu iz 1962. godine, nekada otmen britanski sportski automobil koji je u strašno zapuštenom stanju. (National Geographic)
24.01 21:00
60 Min
Car S.O.S. Compilations
In this special episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite moments engineering solutions to mechanical problems. Tim gets caught with a smelly Toyota electronic control... (Nat Geographic HD)
24.01 21:00
60 Min
Auto SOS: Kompilacije
U ovoj specijalnoj epizodi serije "Auto SOS", Tim i Faz se osvrću na neke od svojih omiljenih trenutaka kada su nalazili rešenja za mehaničke probleme. (National Geographic)
25.01 03:25
45 Min
Car S.O.S.
Tim and Fuzz are off to Norfolk to take on a 1962 TVR Grantura, a once classy British sports car that has fallen into disrepair. (Nat Geographic HD)
25.01 03:25
45 Min
Auto SOS
Momci iz serije "Auto SOS" putuju u Norfolk da bi uzeli TVR Granturu iz 1962. godine, nekada otmen britanski sportski automobil koji je u strašno zapuštenom stanju. (National Geographic)
26.01 03:25
45 Min
Car S.O.S.
Tim and Fuzz travel to Oxfordshire to see if they can restore Ben's broken-down Porsche 911 Targa and back to it's original glory. (Nat Geographic HD)
26.01 03:25
45 Min
Auto SOS
Tim i Faz putuju u Oksfordšir da bi otkrili da li će moći da restauriraju Benov porše 911 targa, i vrate mu nekadašnji sjaj. (National Geographic)
26.01 04:10
45 Min
Car S.O.S.
Tim and Fuzz journey to a barn in Somerset where a rundown Jeep Grand Cherokee is stored. The car belongs to former soldier Ben. (Nat Geographic HD)
26.01 04:10
45 Min
Auto SOS
Tim i Faz preuzimaju restauraciju ovog američkog klasika kako bi mu vratili "off-road" mogućnosti. (National Geographic)