09.06 03:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Itoshima E02. In this episode, watch Dan & Paddy's day in Itoshima - a place with soothing waterfalls, fishing pools and perfect beach sunsets to calm the soul. (Travel XP HD BNL)
09.06 03:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Bucket List is a travel program entirely dedicated to Japan, a wonderful country with unique culture and traditions,... (Travelxp HD)
09.06 03:00
30 Min
Bucket List (2)
Itoshima (Travel XP)
09.06 06:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Gyokuro Tea E03. Dan & Paddy's experiences, in this episode, revolve around savouring and appreciating Gyokuro tea - one of the highest grades of tea available in Japan. (Travel XP HD BNL)
09.06 06:00
30 Min
Bucket List (3)
Gyokuro Tea (Travel XP)
09.06 06:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Bucket List is a travel program entirely dedicated to Japan, a wonderful country with unique culture and traditions,... (Travelxp HD)
09.06 09:00
30 Min
Bucket List (4)
Ohana (Travel XP)
09.06 09:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Ohana E04. Among Japan's best kept secrets are its very own Venice with an oriental flavour to it, and a garden so bright that it could enchant the most unfeeling of hearts. (Travel XP HD)
09.06 09:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Daniel Coll & Paddy Doherty explore Japan's very own Venice. They also see a garden that is straight out of a fantasy. (Travelxp HD)
09.06 12:00
30 Min
Bucket List
Qura E05. From the swords of the Samurai to hidden Christian churches, Dan & Paddy are about to discover some intriguing sides to Japan. Watch this episode to find out more. (Travel XP HD BNL)
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