07.07 01:00
30 Min
Caesarea, Israel E34. Sabrina in Jaffa visits Zodiac fountain, ending with Jaffa Port. She then explores the National Park in Caesarea and concluding after her visit to the shrine of Bab, learning about the Baha'i faith. (Travel XP BNL)
07.07 04:00
30 Min
Acre, Israel E35. Sabrina visits Acre, starting from El Jazzar mosque and Citadel fortress. Next day she travels to Mizpe Hayamim and then explores the town of Capernaum. (Travel XP BNL)
07.07 07:00
30 Min
Nazareth, Israel E36. Sabrina is in Tiberias, known for its natural hot springs, here she visits the Sea of Galilee. In Nezareth she visits the cave of Mary, ending with Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. (Travel XP BNL)
07.07 10:00
30 Min
Jerusalem, Israel E37. Sabrina in Jerusalem, takes a guided tour of City of David and visits Western Wall, learning about its significance. Ending with Cardo and Mahane Yehuda Markets. (Travel XP BNL)
07.07 13:00
30 Min
Eilat, Israel E38. Sabrina visits Ein Gedi oasis and Masada plateau on her way to Eilat, where she visits the beaches, Red Canyon and Wadi Shani. (Travel XP BNL)
07.07 19:30
30 Min
Tel Aviv, Israel E33. Sabrina visits Israel and first explores Sarona, including its local market, and tries local food and wine. Her next stop is Jaffa exploring its flea market ending with Shakshuka Shushka. (Travel XP )
07.07 22:30
30 Min
Tel Aviv, Israel E33. Sabrina visits Israel and first explores Sarona, including its local market, and tries local food and wine. Her next stop is Jaffa exploring its flea market ending with Shakshuka Shushka. ()
07.07 22:30
30 Min
Tel Aviv, Israel E33. Sabrina visits Israel and first explores Sarona, including its local market, and tries local food and wine. Her next stop is Jaffa exploring its flea market ending with Shakshuka Shushka. (Travel XP )
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