08.07 13:00
60 Min
Banged Up Abroad
In 1993, Martin Garnett is already earning good money, but he's hungry for more. When he agrees to body-pack thirteen bags of drugs from Thailand to Sydney, his lifestyle is about to change. (Nat Geographic HD)
08.07 16:00
60 Min
Banged Up Abroad
Indian Hash Bust S09 E08. Mark O'Brien is ontevreden met zijn leven. In een ashram in India, geleid door de beruchte goeroe Osho, zoekt hij verlichting. Een mede-leerling moedigt Mark aan om hasj naar Amsterdam te smokkelen. (NGC HD)
08.07 22:00
55 Min
Banged Up Abroad
Falsely accused of smuggling hashish in Bali, Chris Parnell suffered a horrendous 11-year stretch behind bars before his release in 1996. (Nat Geographic HD)
09.07 01:40
45 Min
Banged Up Abroad
In 1993, Martin Garnett is already earning good money, but he's hungry for more. When he agrees to body-pack thirteen bags of drugs from Thailand to Sydney, his lifestyle is about to change. (Nat Geographic HD)
09.07 13:00
60 Min
Banged Up Abroad
In 2009, South Africans Debbie Callitz and Bruno Pelizarri sell everything to buy a yacht and pursue their dream of sailing to India. Then they are boarded by Somali Pirates and held at gunpoint. (Nat Geographic HD)
09.07 16:15
60 Min
Banged Up Abroad
Panamania S09 E09. De Canadese Christina Jocko van 21 houdt van geld uitgeven, feesten en drugs. Maar als ze aan zwaardere drugs begint, raakt ze verslaafd. Dan krijgt ze het aanbod om cocaïne te smokkelen voor $10.000. (NGC HD)
09.07 22:00
60 Min
Banged Up Abroad
The story of El Paso teen Alex Silva, who risked everything when he became involved with a gang who smuggled marijuana from Mexico into the US. (Nat Geographic HD)
11.07 16:15
55 Min
Banged Up Abroad
Plane Crash Marijuana S09 E11. De spannendste en meest dramatische serie is terug, met onder andere David Kunkel, die 45 kilo hasj Afghanistan uit smokkelt en Carlos Quijas die zich aansluit bij een drugskartel om te overleven. (NGC HD)
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