06.07 15:25
6 Min
Beep Beep
Voom Vam tries climbing up a very steep hill. With all her enthusiasm and excitement, she finds herself stuck on the other side of the hill. Luckily Roady and Trucky are there to help. (Baby TV)
06.07 16:43
5 Min
Beep Beep
Voom Vam goes to the beach by herself and gets stuck in the sand. Roady and Trucky come to the rescue and manage to pull her out. All's well that ends well as the three have fun at the beach together. (Baby TV)
07.07 05:13
5 Min
Beep Beep
Voom Vam loses her bow. Roady and Trucky help her find it by going to all the places she visited the day before. They go the meadow, up the mountain and down to the lake. Guess who has Voom Vam's bow? (Baby TV)
07.07 09:23
5 Min
Beep Beep
Trucky goes to clear some rocks that fell on the road. While trying to pick up a large boulder he turns over on his side and can't get up. (Baby TV)
07.07 12:24
5 Min
Beep Beep
Voom Vam prepares a surprise for Roady and Trucky - she wants to sing for them! But when she begins, she sounds way off tune.. (Baby TV)
07.07 15:25
5 Min
Beep Beep
After a night of snow, Voom Vam builds a huge snowmobile. After it starts snowing again, she's nowhere to be found. Trucky and Roady use a hairdryer to melt away the snow in order to find her. (Baby TV)
07.07 16:43
6 Min
Beep Beep
Trucky, Roadie and Voom Vam are on a mission to save the wilting flowers. (Baby TV)
08.07 05:13
5 Min
Beep Beep
Trucky, Roadie and Voom Vam are on a mission to save the wilting flowers. (Baby TV)
08.07 09:25
5 Min
Beep Beep
Voom Vam tries climbing up a very steep hill. With all her enthusiasm and excitement, she finds herself stuck on the other side of the hill. Luckily Roady and Trucky are there to help. (Baby TV)
08.07 12:23
5 Min
Beep Beep
Roady is anxious to paint over the crossing with some paint. Trucky pulls a prank on Roady which offends him. Magically the crossing has sparkling colours. How can that be? (Baby TV)
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