27.11 21:00
25 Min
Big City Greens
An animated comedy about the life of adventurous Cricket Green who makes the move from the country to a big city. (Disney Channel)
27.11 21:00
25 Min
Οι Γκριν στη Μεγαλούπολη Κ1 Ε3
DIS0018722281,2193233277,2 (Disney Channel)
27.11 21:00
25 Min
Big City Greens
Pustolovine seoskog dečaka i njegove porodice, nakon što se presele sa svoje farme i mirnog života u modernu metropolu punu iznenađenja i avantura. (Disney)
27.11 21:00
25 Min
Big City Greens
When the Greens visit an indoor pool, Cricket is challenged to jump off the high-dive. Tilly claims that their goat has the spirit of a dog and enters it in a dog show. ()
27.11 21:00
25 Min
Big City Greens, ep. 3.
Animirani (Disney.)
27.11 21:25
25 Min
Big City Greens
When Gramma crashes into a parked police car, she loses her driver's license and her confidence. Cricket Green hates bears. ()
27.11 21:25
25 Min
Big City Greens
An animated comedy about the life of adventurous Cricket Green who makes the move from the country to a big city. (Disney Channel)
27.11 21:25
25 Min
Big City Greens
Pustolovine seoskog dečaka i njegove porodice, nakon što se presele sa svoje farme i mirnog života u modernu metropolu punu iznenađenja i avantura. (Disney)
27.11 21:25
25 Min
Οι Γκριν στη Μεγαλούπολη Κ1 Ε4
DIS0018722282,2193233277,3 (Disney Channel)
27.11 21:25
25 Min
Big City Greens, ep. 4.
Animirani (Disney.)
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