03.03 18:10
55 Min
Qentº nº natyrº - Njihuni me familjen
(EXP natyra)
03.03 18:15
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
The Lost Boy ()
03.03 18:15
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Τρέχοντας με τις Αγέλες Κ1 Ε5
DIS0019478422,7147321,4 (Viasat Nature HD)
03.03 18:15
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
A future dispersal of young adult dogs in the Manzi pack looks inevitable, the dry season forces the Kakuli pack to take risks, and ecologist Henry identifies a new dog who has joined the Stork pack. (Viasat Nature HD)
03.03 18:40
30 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
It's Julz's last week; an encounter with lions scatters the Stork pack, Julz spots the Kakuli puppies feeding on a puku carcass, and the Manzi pack fight a warthog by the Luangwa River. (Viasat Nature HD)
03.03 18:40
30 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Here Comes the Rain ()
03.03 18:40
30 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Τρέχοντας με τις Αγέλες Κ1 Ε6
DIS0019478615,7147321,5 (Viasat Nature HD)
04.03 03:30
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Wildlife cameraman Julz Braatvedt arrives in eastern Zambia to film three packs of wild dogs - the Manzis, Kakulis and Stork Colony - in three very different territories. (Viasat Nature HD)
04.03 03:30
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Meet the Packs ()
04.03 03:30
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Τρέχοντας με τις Αγέλες Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019478220,7147321,0 (Viasat Nature HD)
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