19.02 22:47
12 Min
Oswald planteaza o samanta de banana si din ea creste un fruct urias. Asa ca Oswald vine cu ideea organizarii Zilei Bananei Uriase si isi anunta toti prietenii. - Sursa: media-press.tv (JimJam)
19.02 22:47
12 Min
Oswald este o caracatiţă mare şi iubăreaţă, care ajunge în siuaţii ciudate şi amuzante împreună cu animăluţul său de companie, Weenie. (JimJam RO)
19.02 22:59
14 Min
Oswald este o caracatita mare si iubareata, care ajunge in siuatii ciudate si amuzante impreuna cu animalutul sau de companie, Weenie. - Sursa: media-press.tv (JimJam)
19.02 22:59
14 Min
Oswald este o caracatiţă mare şi iubăreaţă, care ajunge în siuaţii ciudate şi amuzante împreună cu animăluţul său de companie, Weenie. (JimJam RO)
19.02 23:47
12 Min
Oswald and Weenie find out that their favourite TV personality Sammy Starfish is playing for one night only at the Big City Auditorium. They rush out to buy tickets. (Jim Jam)
19.02 23:47
12 Min
Oswald II (19)
Když Oswald právě nepeče dorty, nemlsá zmrzlinu nebo nehraje na piano, hraje si venku se svými kamarády. Všechna svá chapadla používá k tomu, aby kamarády uchránil před nebezpečím. (JimJam CZ)
19.02 23:59
14 Min
Henry and Daisy stop talking to each other after a big argument and poor Oswald ends up being stuck in the middle. He attempts to patch things between them. (Jim Jam)
19.02 23:59
14 Min
Oswald II (20)
Když Oswald právě nepeče dorty, nemlsá zmrzlinu nebo nehraje na piano, hraje si venku se svými kamarády. Všechna svá chapadla používá k tomu, aby kamarády uchránil před nebezpečím. (JimJam CZ)
20.02 09:14
7 Min
Oswald II (25)
Buns Bunny, aka Superbuns, saves the day with kindness every time. With the power of a kind heart, she bounds through her neighbourhood ready to help her friends! (Jim Jam)
20.02 09:21
9 Min
Oswald II (26)
Buns Bunny, aka Superbuns, saves the day with kindness every time. With the power of a kind heart, she bounds through her neighbourhood ready to help her friends! (Jim Jam)
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