26.12 08:00
55 Min
Blue Bloods
When a student is shot in his high school courtyard, Danny and Baez try to get a grasp on the situation to prevent a reoccurrence, but the principal recklessly takes matters into his own hands. (STAR Crime HD)
26.12 08:55
60 Min
Blue Bloods
Danny thinks about taking a new job to help with his financial issues; Nicky is sexually harassed by her boss while working at her new internship. (STAR Crime HD)
26.12 09:35
45 Min
Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York
Väter und Söhne (Sky One)
26.12 10:20
45 Min
Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York
Wo wir stehen (Sky One)
26.12 15:40
45 Min
Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York
Väter und Söhne (Sky One)
26.12 16:25
45 Min
Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York
Wo wir stehen (Sky One)
26.12 18:15
45 Min
Blue Bloods
(Ep 8:23/s3) amr. krimidramaserie (V series HD)
27.12 01:59
40 Min
Blue Bloods
Raakvlakken S08 E07. Een zaak wordt persoonlijk voor Danny wanneer hij een verpleegster, Faith Madson (Jessie Mueller), moet beschermen tegen haar gewelddadige ex-vriend. (Paramount Network)
27.12 02:39
39 Min
Blue Bloods
Pick Your Poison S08 E08. Eddies oordeel wordt vertroebeld door haar verleden wanneer ze een verafschuwde kennis van school arresteert op grond van twijfelachtige beschuldigingen. (Paramount Network)
27.12 03:05
50 Min
Blue Bloods
A man living a double life with two separate families is murdered; Erin asks Anthony to help investigate his former partner; Frank deliberates between two candidates for the chief of transit position. (STAR Crime HD)
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