13.03 10:20
65 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 3.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
13.03 10:20
65 Min
Siječanj 1944. Dvije divizije iskrcale su se u talijansku luku Anzio u jednom od najlakših savezničkih napada, ali... (Viasat History HD)
13.03 10:20
65 Min
WWII: Frontlines
January 1944: two divisions land at the Italian port of Anzio in one of the easiest Allied assaults of the war, but they fail to exploit their advantage, giving the German defenders time to reinforce. (Viasat History HD)
13.03 17:40
70 Min
WWII: Frontlines
January 1944: two divisions land at the Italian port of Anzio in one of the easiest Allied assaults of the war, but they fail to exploit their advantage, giving the German defenders time to reinforce. (Viasat History HD)
13.03 17:40
70 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 3.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
13.03 17:40
70 Min
Siječanj 1944. Dvije divizije iskrcale su se u talijansku luku Anzio u jednom od najlakših savezničkih napada, ali... (Viasat History HD)
14.03 10:20
70 Min
WWII: Frontlines
June 1944: a stretch of beach overlooked by fortified cliffs created a devastating baptism of fire. Failed plans, missed opportunities, and courage make this frontline a major turning point in WWII. (Viasat History HD)
14.03 10:20
70 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 4.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
14.03 10:20
70 Min
Serija se nastavlja od mjesta na kojem smo stali u 'Drugom svjetskom ratu _ Bitkama za Europu'; svaka se epizoda... (Viasat History HD)
14.03 17:40
70 Min
Serija se nastavlja od mjesta na kojem smo stali u 'Drugom svjetskom ratu _ Bitkama za Europu'; svaka se epizoda... (Viasat History HD)
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