22.11 00:10
65 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 8.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
22.11 00:10
65 Min
WWII: Frontlines
April 1945: Stalin's generals compete to raise the Red Flag over the Reichstag; a Panzer Army, two army groups, and the home guard are locked in a desperate battle with the encircling Red Army. (Viasat History HD)
22.11 00:10
65 Min
Serija se nastavlja od mjesta na kojem smo stali u 'Drugom svjetskom ratu _ Bitkama za Europu'; svaka se epizoda... (Viasat History HD)
23.11 15:25
65 Min
WWII: Frontlines
June-July 1944: three weeks after D-Day, the Allied advance has stalled; the killing fields around Hill 112 become the start of a brutal war of attrition that the Nazis cannot afford to wage. (Viasat History HD)
23.11 15:25
65 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 5.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
23.11 15:25
65 Min
Lipanj-srpanj 1944. Tri tjedna poslije Dana D saveznički napredak je zastao; na poljima smrti oko Brda 112 započinje... (Viasat History HD)
23.11 16:30
65 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 6.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
23.11 16:30
65 Min
WWII: Frontlines
December 1944: with Europe in the grip of a terrible winter, Hitler's Panzers spearhead an attack on the Allied frontline in the Ardennes; they are to break through and re-capture the port of Antwerp. (Viasat History HD)
23.11 16:30
65 Min
Prosinac 1944. Europu je pogodila strašna zima, a Hitlerovi Panzeri predvode napad na saveznički front u Ardenima;... (Viasat History HD)
23.11 17:35
70 Min
Bojišnice, ep. 7.
Frontlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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