05.11 13:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
Paddy Finds Drugs (Discovery HD)
05.11 13:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
Olivia puts an end to a ruse when she spots two gentlemen trying to swap their luggage. Paddy the Dog discovers narcotics at the border in Skĺne. (Discovery HD)
05.11 18:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
A man gets aggressive when his bags are being checked. Plus, Alex discovers a canister and suspects that it might contain drugs. (ID HD)
05.11 18:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
(Ep 3/s1) Svensk dokumentärserie från 2022. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
05.11 19:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
Dusty Finds A Gun. A bag has been left behind at Arlanda airport - it smells of death and contains something that looks like bones. Plus, Dusty the dog finds a gun. (ID HD)
05.11 19:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
(Ep 4/s1) (11) Svensk dokumentarserie fra 2022. (ID Investigation Discovery (D))
06.11 06:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
(Ep 3/s1) Svensk dokumentärserie från 2022. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
06.11 07:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
(Ep 4/s1) (11) Svensk dokumentarserie fra 2022. (ID Investigation Discovery (D))
06.11 18:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
(Ep 5/s1) Svensk dokumentärserie från 2022. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
06.11 18:00
60 Min
Border Control Sweden
In Skĺne, Stefan stops a drunk driver. A closer look in his car reveals large quantities of smuggled goods. Alex looks for cannabis at a party cruise. (ID HD)