26.02 18:00
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
The first of a short series of after-show specials that takes an in-depth look at highlighted cases from the hit medical show 'Botched'. Host Heather Dubrow, alongside renowned plastic surgery experts... ()
26.02 18:00
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
Gazda emisiunii, Heather Dubrow, recapitulează episodul din această săptămână. Prezintă înregistrări inedite, secrete dezvăluite şi invitaţi-surpriză. (E! Entertainment)
26.02 18:00
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
The first of a short series of after-show specials that takes an in-depth look at highlighted cases from the hit medical show 'Botched'. Host Heather Dubrow, alongside renowned plastic surgery experts... (E!)
26.02 18:00
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
E! Entertainment (E! Entertainment HD)
26.02 18:00
30 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις: Τι Ακολουθεί Μετά Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019086409,6658357,0 (E! HD)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις: Τι Ακολουθεί Μετά Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019086412,6658357,1 (E! HD)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
Prezentatoarea Heather Dubrow recapitulează episodul din săptămâna aceasta, cu filmări nedifuzate, secrete dezvăluite şi oaspeţi neaşteptaţi. (E! Entertainment)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
E! Entertainment (E! Entertainment HD)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
Host Heather Dubrow recaps this week's Botched episode. With never before seen footage, secrets revealed and surprise guests.. (E!)
26.02 18:30
30 Min
Botched: Post Op
Host Heather Dubrow recaps this week's Botched episode. With never before seen footage, secrets revealed and surprise guests.. ()
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