16.01 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ5 Ε8
DIS0018896788,2873173178,7 (E! HD)
16.01 21:00
60 Min
Lumpy Lipo and Slippy Nippy. Famed plastic surgeons, Dr Terry Dubrow and Dr Paul Nassif, make over the victims of plastic surgery disasters. ()
16.01 21:00
60 Min
Lumpy Lipo and Slippy Nippy. Famed plastic surgeons, Dr Terry Dubrow and Dr Paul Nassif, make over the victims of plastic surgery disasters. (E!)
16.01 21:00
60 Min
O tanara cu "sfarcuri in lateral" vine la medici, iar o femeie vrea sa i se repare nasul dupa ce a fost desfigurata intr-un accident rutier. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
16.01 21:00
60 Min
(sua, 2019, s. reality show, sezonul 5, episodul 8) Liposuctiune cu...... (E!)
16.01 21:00
60 Min
O tânără cu "sfârcuri în lateral" vine la medici, iar o femeie vrea să i se repare nasul după ce a fost desfigurată într-un accident rutier. (E! Entertainment)
16.01 21:00
60 Min
Botched 5
Lumpy Lipo and Slippy Nippy (E! Entertainment HD)
17.01 03:00
60 Min
O pictorita cu picioare lungi vrea sa-si repare nasul, ca sa ii impace constinta mamei, iar o britanica vrea mai multe operatii si mai putine coaste! - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
17.01 03:00
60 Min
A leggy painter needs her nose fixed to help lift her mother's guilty conscience, while a glamorous Brit wants more work... and fewer ribs! (E!)
17.01 03:00
60 Min
Botched 5
Nothing Butt Trouble (E! Entertainment HD)
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