29.12 07:30
60 Min
Doctor Nose Best. A woman has a hole in her nose from cancer and facial reconstruction, hides it with a prosthetic. Dr. Nassif must undergo skin cancer treatments. (E!)
29.12 07:30
60 Min
Doctor Nose Best. A woman has a hole in her nose from cancer and facial reconstruction, hides it with a prosthetic. Dr. Nassif must undergo skin cancer treatments. ()
29.12 08:30
60 Min
Eye Of The Tiger. After 42 unsuccessful attempts to repair the damage done by a car accident suffered when she was a teenager, a 21-year-old now risks losing an eye. ()
29.12 08:30
60 Min
Eye Of The Tiger. After 42 unsuccessful attempts to repair the damage done by a car accident suffered when she was a teenager, a 21-year-old now risks losing an eye. (E!)
29.12 09:00
60 Min
Dupa 42 de incercari nereusite de remediere a daunelor cauzate de un accident auto din tinerete, o persoana de 21 de ani risca sa-si piarda un ochi. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
29.12 09:00
60 Min
(sua, 2023, s. reality show, sezonul 8, episodul 11) Ochi de tigru; Dupa... (E!)
29.12 09:00
60 Min
După 42 de încercări nereuşite de remediere a daunelor cauzate de un accident auto din tinereţe, o persoană de 21 de ani riscă să-şi piardă un ochi. (E! Entertainment)
29.12 09:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ8 Ε11
DIS0018667393,7154618,10 (E! HD)
29.12 09:00
60 Min
Botched 8
Eye Of The Tiger (E! Entertainment HD)
29.12 09:30
60 Min
Got MILF?. The doctors must deal with a woman who refuses to reconsider her plastic surgery plans despite her serious heart condition. ()
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