11.01 15:00
60 Min
(sua, 2017, s. reality show, sezonul 4, episodul 5) Suferinte gemene Cu:... (E!)
11.01 15:00
60 Min
Medicii consulta doi gemeni cu probleme nu chiar identice. Dr Dubrow incearc sa ajute prima manechina paraplegica din lume sa-si atinga visul. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
11.01 15:00
60 Min
Medicii consultă doi gemeni cu probleme nu chiar identice. Dr Dubrow încearc să ajute prima manechină paraplegică din lume să-şi atingă visul. (E! Entertainment)
11.01 15:15
55 Min
The doctors meet a set of twins with not so identical problems. Dr Dubrow tries to help the world's first paraplegic fitness model achieve her dream. ()
11.01 15:15
55 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ4 Ε5
DIS0018896455,2872969458,4 (E! HD)
11.01 15:15
55 Min
Botched 4
Twin Terrors (E! Entertainment HD)
11.01 15:15
55 Min
The doctors meet a set of twins with not so identical problems. Dr Dubrow tries to help the world's first paraplegic fitness model achieve her dream. (E!)
11.01 22:45
55 Min
7 .Staffel, Folge 3. Doku-Soap, USA 2021. Verlassen wegen Schönheits-OP. (sixx HD)
11.01 23:40
55 Min
7 .Staffel, Folge 4. Doku-Soap, USA 2021. Das eine Prozent. Mit Terry J. Dubrow, Paul Nassif, Tamara Nagiskaya: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)
11.01 23:45
55 Min
7 .Staffel, Folge 4. Doku-Soap, USA 2021. Das eine Prozent. Mit Terry J. Dubrow, Paul Nassif, Tamara Nagiskaya: Jung, schön, fit! (sixx HD)