18.02 21:00
60 Min
(sua, 2021, s. reality show, sezonul 7, episodul 10) Implant-Nation Cu:... (E!)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
O femeie sufera de dureri din cauza implanturilor in gambe, o tanara are un semn urat din nastere, iar un tanar are un implant de bicepsi care cade! - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
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Implant-Nation (E! Entertainment HD)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ7 Ε10
DIS0019086268,6760852,9 (E! HD)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
O femeie suferă de dureri din cauza implanturilor în gambe, o tânără are un semn urât din naştere, iar un tânăr are un implant de bicepşi care cade! (E! Entertainment)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
A woman duct tapes her calf implants daily, while a young man starting his body-mod journey has a bicep implant that wants to flip! (E!)
18.02 21:00
60 Min
A woman duct tapes her calf implants daily, while a young man starting his body-mod journey has a bicep implant that wants to flip! ()
19.02 02:25
45 Min
Botched: Mokatut kauneusleikkaukset
(Ep 6:16/s7) (7) Reality, Yhdysvallat, 2021. (MTV3 HD)
19.02 03:00
60 Min
A former pro surfer hopes to solve a mystery, while a perfectionist won't settle for anything less than her ideal nose. (E!)
19.02 03:00
60 Min
Un fost surfer spera sa rezolve un mister, un perfectionist cere un nas ideal, iar o culturista vrea sa aiba o infatisare cu "muschi estetici". - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)