19.10 15:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif takes on a woman who hasn't been able to close her mouth since college, and the doctors meet with a gambler with a serious case of man boobs. (E!)
19.10 15:00
60 Min
Botched 3
Man Boobs (E! Entertainment HD)
19.10 15:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ3 Ε2
DIS0018262769,2872804348,1 (E! HD)
19.10 15:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif takes on a woman who hasn't been able to close her mouth since college, and the doctors meet with a gambler with a serious case of man boobs. ()
19.10 15:00
60 Min
Dr Nassif tratează o femeie care n-a mai putut închide gura din anii de facultate, iar doctorii cunosc un pasionat de jocuri de noroc care are sâni. (E! Entertainment)
19.10 16:00
60 Min
Paul helps a singer find his voice again by performing a rhinoplasty. The doctors assist a woman whose earlobes are stretched to almost two inches. ()
19.10 16:00
60 Min
Paul helps a singer find his voice again by performing a rhinoplasty. The doctors assist a woman whose earlobes are stretched to almost two inches. (E!)
19.10 16:00
60 Min
Botched 3
Pinched Perfect (E! Entertainment HD)
19.10 16:00
60 Min
Paul ajută un cântăreţ să-şi recapete vocea, executând o rinoplastie. Doctorii ajută o femeie care are lobii urechilor lungi de aproape cinci cm. (E! Entertainment)
19.10 16:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ3 Ε3
DIS0018262771,2872804348,2 (E! HD)
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